Auto Analog Audio v1.50.0
TMRh20 2020 - Automatic DAC, ADC & Timers on Arduino Due
No Matches

For Arduino Due

Audio Relay & Peripheral Test Example:

This example demonstrates how to manage incoming and outgoing audio streams using the AAAudio library and nrf24l01+ radio modules on Arduino Due.

  1. This example uses the onboard DAC to play the incoming audio data via DAC0
  2. The ADC is used to sample the DAC0 pin, and the data is made available
  3. The data is re-broadcast over the radios
  4. Incoming radio data can be directly re-broadcast, but this example is a test of all peripherals
This code depends on radio.h located in the same directory.
AutoAnalogAudio streaming via DAC & ADC by TMRh20
Copyright (C) 2016 TMRh20 -,
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Auto Analog Audio (Automatic DAC, ADC & Timer) library
* Features:
* 1. Very simple user interface to Arduino DUE DAC and ADC
* 2. PCM/WAV Audio/Analog Data playback using Arduino Due DAC
* 3. PCM/WAV Audio/Analog Data recording using Arduino Due ADC
* 4. Onboard timers drive the DAC & ADC automatically
* 5. Automatic sample rate/timer adjustment based on rate of user-driven data requests/input
* 6. Uses DMA (Direct Memory Access) to buffer DAC & ADC data
* Auto Analog Audio Library Information:
* Audio Relay & Peripheral Test Example:
* This example demonstrates how to manage incoming and outgoing audio streams using
* the AAAudio library and nrf24l01+ radio modules on Arduino Due.
* 1. This example uses the onboard DAC to play the incoming audio data via DAC0
* 2. The ADC is used to sample the DAC (connected to pin A0) and the data is made available
* 3. The data is re-broadcast over the radios
* 4. Incoming radio data can be directly re-broadcast, but this example is a test of all peripherals
/************************USER CONFIG**********************/
#define radioCEPin 7
#define radioCSPin 8
#define radioInterruptPin 2
#include <RF24.h>
#include "myRadio.h"
AutoAnalog aaAudio;
void DACC_Handler(void) {
aaAudio.dacHandler(); //Link the DAC ISR/IRQ library. Called by the MCU when DAC is ready for data
void setup() {
Serial.println("Analog Audio Begin");
aaAudio.begin(1, 1); //Setup aaAudio using both DAC and ADC
#if defined (ARDUINO_AVR)
aaAudio.autoAdjust = 0;
uint32_t dispTimer = 0;
void loop() {
//Display the timer period variable for each channel every 3 seconds
if (millis() - dispTimer > 3000) {
dispTimer = millis();
#if !defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
TcChannel * t = &(TC0->TC_CHANNEL)[0];
TcChannel * tt = &(TC0->TC_CHANNEL)[1];
uint32_t dynSampleRate = 0;
// See myRadio.h: Function is attached to an interrupt triggered by radio RX/TX
void RX() {
if (radio.available(&pipeNo)) { // Check for data and get the pipe number
if (pipeNo == 2) {, 4); // Receive commands using pipe #2
aaAudio.setSampleRate(dynSampleRate); // Pipe 2 is being used for command data, pipe 1 & others for audio data
} else {
#if !defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR) //AVR (Uno, Nano can't handle extra processing)
radio.stopListening(); // Prepare to send data out via radio
#endif, 32); // Read the available radio data
aaAudio.feedDAC(0, 32); // Feed the DAC with the received data
#if !defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
aaAudio.getADC(32); // Grab the available data from the ADC
//Send the received ADC data via radio
radio.startFastWrite(&aaAudio.adcBuffer, 32, 1);
/*Note: The data initially recieved can directly be sent via radio, but
this example is a test of all library peripherals */
} else { //If not RX IRQ, must be TX complete
radio.txStandBy(); // Set the radio to standby mode from TX
radio.startListening(); // Put the radio into listening (RX) mode
void dacHandler(void)
uint8_t adcBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]
uint8_t dacBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]
void getADC(uint32_t samples=MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
void setSampleRate(uint32_t sampRate=0, bool stereo=true)
void feedDAC(uint8_t dacChannel=0, uint32_t samples=MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, bool startInterrupts=false)
void begin(bool enADC, bool enDAC)