Auto Analog Audio v1.50.0
TMRh20 2020 - Automatic DAC, ADC & Timers on Arduino Due
No Matches

For Arduino Due

Multi Channel ADC Sampling Example:

This example demonstrates how to capture a steady stream of ADC data on multiple channels. Currently pins A0-A6 are supported.

See AnalogAudio_config.h to change the MAX_BUFFER_SIZE allowing larger chunks of data

AutoAnalogAudio streaming via DAC & ADC by TMRh20
Copyright (C) 2016 TMRh20 -,
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Auto Analog Audio (Automatic DAC, ADC & Timer) library
1. Very simple user interface to Arduino DUE DAC and ADC
2. PCM/WAV Audio/Analog Data playback using Arduino Due DAC
3. PCM/WAV Audio/Analog Data recording using Arduino Due ADC
4. Onboard timers drive the DAC & ADC automatically
5. Automatic sample rate/timer adjustment based on rate of user-driven data requests/input
6. Uses DMA (Direct Memory Access) to buffer DAC & ADC data
Auto Analog Audio Library Information:
Dual Pin ADC Sampling (Requires Arduino Due or better)
Sample the ADC in chunks of 32-bytes at a defined sample rate
The first sample will be from pin A1, second from A0, 3rd from A1, etc...
See AnalogAudio_config.h to change the MAX_BUFFER_SIZE allowing larger chunks
AutoAnalog aaAudio;
void setup() {
Serial.println("Analog Audio Begin");
aaAudio.begin(1, 0); //Setup aaAudio using ADC only
aaAudio.autoAdjust = 0; //Disable auto adjust of timers
aaAudio.adcBitsPerSample = 12; //Sample at 12-bits
aaAudio.setSampleRate(32); //Get 32 samples every second
//AAAudio samples on analog pin A0 by default
//Enable sampling on two pins at once
aaAudio.enableAdcChannel(1); //Channels correspond to pin numbers (A1 == channel 1)
//aaAudio.enableAdcChannel(2); //Optionally enable a third channel on pin A2
//aaAudio.disableAdcChannel(0); //Optionally disable pin A0 and only sample 1 pin
//Start loading ADC buffers
void loop() {
// Get 32 samples from the ADC at the sample rate defined above
// Note: This function only blocks if the ADC is currently sampling and autoAdjust is set to 0
// As long as any additional code completes before the ADC is finished sampling, a continuous stream of ADC data
// at the defined sample rate will be available
// Sum all the samples into a float
float pinA0Samples = 0.0;
float pinA1Samples = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) {
pinA1Samples += aaAudio.adcBuffer16[i]; //Samples from highest pin number (A1)
pinA0Samples += aaAudio.adcBuffer16[i + 1]; //Samples from next lowest pin number (A0)
// Divide the total by the number of samples
pinA1Samples /= 16.0;
pinA0Samples /= 16.0;
// This will print every second at a sample rate of 32 samples/second
Serial.print("Pin A1 Samples Total / Number of Samples == ");
Serial.print("Pin A0 Samples Total / Number of Samples == ");
void getADC(uint32_t samples=MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
uint16_t adcBuffer16[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]
void setSampleRate(uint32_t sampRate=0, bool stereo=true)
void enableAdcChannel(uint8_t pinAx)
uint8_t adcBitsPerSample
void begin(bool enADC, bool enDAC)